
Sunday 24 October 2010


Sorry for the lack of blogging over the past week - it's difficult when I'm going on adventures and things. I don't have much time at the moment.

With these trips away, and other commitments I have (lots of making!) not only am I stressed and haven't much time, but I've also run myself down. The free wine at the gallery on Friday probably didn't help, but is certainly not the main culprit.

It's really difficult when you've been struggling with a health problem for a few years, and you start to feel better and want to do everything. But this can end up making you worse. It's such a hard balance to strike. But I HAVE to push myself otherwise I know I'll go under.

Anyway, last night I went to see a friend's band, and was going to meet one of my best girls for a couple of drinks afterwards, but I felt so dire I just wanted to go straight home. You would not believe the harsh words I got in return. From someone who is supposed to be one of my best friends, she was the opposite of understanding. In the end I stopped texting back trying to explain myself, because I was getting so worked up and upset. I hate arguing/drama so much.

I was so grateful to get home and be able to talk it through with my mum and the cats, and one of my other close friends. I don't know what I'd do without them, they are my rock.

After a sleep I feel a little better about it, still kind of in shock and not sure what the friendship holds for us. I'm hoping she'll get in contact and we'll make up, because I'd hate to lose her. Hopefully I will be having lunch with my best friend of all time, Oli, which always makes me feel super. Here is a picture of him on one of our brunch dates, just because he's lovely:

Anyway, sorry for the rant, I just wanted to explain I don't feel much like blogging properly right now, and I'm going away for about a week from Tuesday or Wednesday... so we'll see.

I hope you're all doing better than I am!

Much love.


  1. Awh my dear, I hope you feel better soon! I am sure Oli will cheer you up, regrettably I haven't talked to him in a long time.
    I know what you mean about blogging, I never normally blog when I am sad, I just can't find the words. Except for the other day, and that made me feel better, as I hope this has done with you!
    Take care, and thanks for the last comment by the way, in answer to your question the things came from Superdrug :)

  2. I know what you mean about the health thing. I let myself get used to feeling better and took advantage so now whilst I have a little relapse I feel horrendous. That friend shouldn't have been so rude. I hope you work things out and have a lovely time with whatever you do (:

  3. Hope u start to feel better soon! I know my 3 cats always help me to feel better, such good stress relief!


Thank you for your sweet comments :) if you have any questions please tweet them to me @beinglittle ! x

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