
Friday 31 January 2014

february mini goals.

At the beginning of the year, I shared my two main goals for the year, and a couple of days later told you all about my mini goals for January. Here's how I did with those, and my goals for Feb!

Sunday 26 January 2014

sunday sewing.

• pin cushion made by my very clever granny •

Ok, so I actually did this sewing on Wednesday, but the alliteration was too pleasing to pass up. "Wednesday sewing" just doesn't have the same ring to it. I'm so sorry to lie to you all, but let's just move on from it and look at two little projects I finally got around to completing.

Friday 24 January 2014

lunch at st nicks.

Yesterday was a rare day that I wore something other than pyjamas or leggings and a t-shirt, so I thought it could be a good day to take a few snaps of my outfit on our way into town. 

Thursday 16 January 2014


Yesterday morning, I got an email about the newest offering from Spike Jonze's brilliant brain. I've been a fan of his films for quite a while, so I eagerly clicked on it and read the review, watched the trailer, and kept the imdb page open all day. Last night we watched it, and it didn't disappoint me even a tiny little bit.

Tuesday 14 January 2014

boohoo tabatha smock.

Look at that cheeky kitty checking my new blog post out! Maybe you should join him? He hung around the whole time I was taking these photos, so I guess he likes my new dress just as much as I do.

Monday 13 January 2014

a blog make over!

As you might've seen on instagram last night, my little space on the internet has had a make over! I started last week by changing my sidebar colour & picture, and then while I had some spare time on my tiny hands last night, I finished the rest!

I wanted to inject a bit of colour and fun - let's face it, we need every bit of joy that we can get this time of year - but keep the painterly feel that it had previously, and I am very happy with the outcome!

I'm currently taking commissions for various bits of blog design (I'm no HTML wizz-kid, but I sure can use a pencil & paintbrush, as well as Photoshop!) so get in touch if you'd like anything scribbled -

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Sunday 12 January 2014

alma de cuba coffee.

Sunday seems like an appropriate day to talk about hot beverages. I'm not a big coffee drinker. In fact, although I love the smell, I generally can't bear the taste of it. But after tasting this Cuban coffee, I could be a convert..

Friday 10 January 2014

beauty reads.

My beauty regime (if you can call it that) is pretty basic, and much the same everyday, and I'm recluctant to change it as after years of battling against my combination, spotty skin, it's now clear and manageable, for the most part.. but being a human girl, I'm always curious to read about how other people do it, and all these "holy grail" products. 

Now, I don't know how to write about beauty, but these girls sure do. Here are some of my favourite beauty blog posts I've read this morning.

Wednesday 8 January 2014

long live fun with thistle hotels.

When asked to find a photo that respresents "FUN!", I found it super difficult to choose just one! So I thought I'd share 6 photos of fun times from last year, and also tell you a little bit about an awesome competition that Thistle Hotels are running, where you could win a "long live fun" weekend! 

Monday 6 January 2014

top sale picks.

this post contains an affiliate link to modcloth

It's that time of year! Pretty much every shop is having a sale, and although it's been a little while since they started (a few weeks if you include the pre-Christmas sales that seemed to be popping up all over the place!) I'm only just trawling the internet for my favourite, most bargainous things. I thought I'd share with you some of the best things from my favourite online stores. 

Sunday 5 January 2014

january mini goals.

I mentioned recently about doing these monthly goal posts, and I was planning on posting this at the beginning of January.. but you know how things go - recovering from New Year's Eve took a couple of days, and then I was shot down with a lurgy. So really, this is my new year, because I haven't been able to do anything much until now.

Saturday 4 January 2014

the loved one - winter lights.

I'm currently poorly in bed, feeling very sorry for myself and wishing that this wasn't the way that 2014 was starting out for me. This means I also have no new content of my own to share on here, but luckily, these beautiful images from The Loved One's January lookbook popped up, and they were so gorgeous and sunny that I had to show you all. I am aching for sunshine.

Thursday 2 January 2014

designing the finer things club blog.

Just before Christmas, Bee contacted me about helping to design hers and Luke's new joint venture in the blogging world, The Finer Things Club

Wednesday 1 January 2014

Thank you to everyone who made 2013 amazing. Thanks for all the support, messages, friendship, laughs and hugs. 

Let's make 2014 even better!

Here's a New Year's song for y'all:

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