
Friday 30 September 2016

city guide : ottawa, canada.

solo travel blog to ottawa canada

Even though it's the capital, I feel like Ottawa is one of the lesser-visited cities in Canada, trailing behind Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver... I mean, it wasn't even on my list of places to visit, until I decided it was time to head back over to that side of the pond, and I happen to have a friend there! But I'm really glad I went. 

Monday 12 September 2016

uk city guide : st nick's, bristol.

being little: bristol city guide - st nicks market boohoo outfit
being little: bristol city guide - st nicks market boohoo rummer hotel

It's not really going to come as a surprise that one of my favourite places in Bristol is packed full of delicious food, as well as a few interesting shops to nose about. 

Thursday 8 September 2016

affordable art fair - this weekend in bristol!

Tonight sees the private view of the Affordable Art Fair, which continues throughout this weekend at Brunel's Old Station. 

Read on for a little about the fair, how to buy beautiful art for your home, and some fun at a print workshop with artist Kerry Day!

Tuesday 6 September 2016

wahaca at home - fish tacos.

Wahaca at Home soft taco kits

I have expressed my love for Wahaca before, so it shouldn't be much of a surprise that I was pretty damn pleased that they have created their very own range of soft taco kits! Now you can enjoy their yummy flavours from the comfort of your own kitchen, and feel really smug about the fact that you made it yourself.

Read on for my fish taco recipe! 

Thursday 1 September 2016

anxiety, anticipation & adventuring.

It's September! 

Despite being out of education longer than I care to state, I still get those back to school feelings every year. Not the full-of-dread kind, but the oooh-new-stationery kind, and the this-early-morning-feels-a-little-chillier kind. The kind where you're full of excitement (and a little anxiety) about the new uniform, the new friends you might make, and all the opportunity laid out in front of you.

Unfortunately, I'm not actually buying any stationery, and there are no crisp white blouses over here.

September IS however, a pretty big month for me. I am still full of that anticipation. 

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