
Wednesday 21 November 2012

let go // a tattoo.

At the end of October, I was feeling pretty negative about a lot of things. Myself, some of the people around me, where my life was heading.. I wasn't really looking after myself very well, and I was letting things get the better of me. I felt like I needed to shock myself into changing my attitude.

I went to the Old Bookshop (a really cute café/bar near my house) to drink tea, read and doodle. While I was scribbling, I decided that what I needed was to get a tattoo. Probably a little bit silly, and I would always advise thinking these things through before getting something permanently inked into your skin, but in that moment, that's what I felt like I needed.

I booked myself an appointment that afternoon, killed some time with another tea and a delicious sandwich at The Birdcage (which just so happens to be where we're holding our Bloggers' Christmas Tea Party! Are you coming?) and then got me a little tattoo. Now every time I feel those negative feelings creeping back, I look down at my wrist, take a deep breath, and just let it all go.

Do you have any tattoos that help you feel better?



  1. This is so sweet, I'd love to get a tattoo one day but I don't know what of! You blog is so sweet :) xxx

  2. When my life completely changed earlier this year (new job, moving back home, end of a relationship), I ended up getting a tattoo as well. I got the quote 'it's kind of fun to do the impossible' on my arm ( - every time I look at it now, I smile and remember that everything will fall back into place, even after challenging times. Your new tattoo looks fab :) xx

  3. all your tattoos are very beautiful, i hope you're feeling better with your life. xxx

  4. This is a lovely post! I've always wanted 'If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense' from Alice in Wonderland tattooed on my arm xxx

  5. Love it.
    I went through a very hard break up and got a tattoo of roses (for love) with thorns (for pain) wrapped with pearls (for wisdom). Still my favourite x

  6. Great post! Your tattoo looks so lovely! Looks great on you! xxx

  7. my friend got a tattoo for a similar reason and got a little + on her wrist to remind her to think positively :) x

  8. Such a pretty tattoo- wish I was decisive enough to just make a decision on impulse like that! I love the style of all your tattoos :)

  9. Your tattoo is lovely. Hooray for perspective!

    Liv x

  10. I had believe tattooed on my wrist and mind over matter on my foot after those kind of feeling down days. Yours looks gorgeous x

  11. I love all of your tattoos, but this (with the moon) are my favourites! I love tattoos with a deep meaning behind them!

  12. Your new tattoo is beautiful (as is the moon one!), Ive been thinking of getting one on my wrist recently for kind of a similar reason, however Im far to indecisive to actually decide on what to have... you've officially inspired me to just go out there and get one! :) x

  13. gorgeous tattoo, i've wanted one for so long!

  14. Love this story, such a good reason to get a tattoo xxx

  15. Such a cute little tattoo :) it'll be so nice to look at that everytime your down and cheer you up, good idea :) I'd love a tattoo, i'm just too picky and indecisive haha xx

  16. My tattoo on my arm is the "Vowel A" poster from the Moses Supposes scene in Singing in the Rain. (If you haven't seen it, YouTube it immediately!)
    Every time I see it, I just think about how amazing and full of joy that scene is. I'm planning on getting both thighs done when I can afford it x

  17. Such an inspiring tattoo, and so personal to you too! I hope it helps cheer you up every time you feel down :)

    louisejoyb x

  18. Your tattoo looks lovely! I like how the shading makes it match with your moon one. I have a tattoo on the inside of my wrist and I love how it can catch your eye and potentially change your perspective/feelings! xx

  19. Love this tattoo :) i have a few more in the pipeline :) xx

  20. Oh my gosh, in LOVE with your design. So gorgeous and SO amazing. xoxo

  21. ahh your tattoo is lovely, im getting some new ones next month and am most excited :) x

  22. I love spontaneous tattoos! I have a spontaneous tattoo on my arm too because of something happening in my life at the time and I think split decisions are sometimes the best!

  23. Love this, such a nice reason to get a tattoo. Think it is so important to try and stay positive - great way to remind yourself.
    Lianne x

  24. Errr, so I'm just going to put this out there. BLOGGER TEA PARTY TATTOO PARLOUR? If not, why not, Unwin. Sort it out. (Miss you) ♥ Claire @ Jazzpad

  25. such beautiful photos! the cafes you visited look so sweet. I really like your tattoo as well it's really quite original.

  26. Lovely post! I have a tattoo on my back that reminds me to stop worrying so much about EVERYTHING!!


  27. Aww, such a good idea. I really want a tattoo, I used to think to myself oh my god, whats it going to look like when I'm old, but I've realised it doesn't matter, it's just artwork on your body that you wanted there and hopefully designed yourself. So after new year I am getting a tattoo, new year, new start, gonna stop worrying about stuff and just do it!

    If you get a few wee minutes spare please come and check out my latest post :)



  28. Can I ask where you got your tat done? Thanks! x

  29. Hi there! Normally I am a reflexive person so before making a decision, I think a lot. BUT, I love those meaningful impulsive moments. I have a tattoo but I was sixteen, it's a peace sign, but I'm doodling to improve it someday.
    I really loved that post!

    Olive xox

  30. I had 'there is an eloquence in true enthusiasm' inked onto my ribcage after I overcame an ordeal last year. I had my tattoo because I felt happy that I had managed to do what I had thought impossible and it always reminds me of that time now :)
    I love the little banner around your tatt, it's very cute :):) xxx

  31. Both of my tattoos make me feel better, that's the real reson why I got them. As I already said in your last post about tattoos I love yours. I also find it amazing it's your artwork :)x

  32. I really really like your tattoo style...
    I'm gettin my new one soon-ish...but first I have to get an appointment which isn't that easy, since my tattoo studio is super popular.

  33. Love your tattoos!x

  34. Trust in the process is my motto, and it's something I plan on having inked at some point so like you I can look at it and remind myself that I can take a deep breath and keep going :) xo


Thank you for your sweet comments :) if you have any questions please tweet them to me @beinglittle ! x

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