
Sunday 26 January 2014

sunday sewing.

• pin cushion made by my very clever granny •

Ok, so I actually did this sewing on Wednesday, but the alliteration was too pleasing to pass up. "Wednesday sewing" just doesn't have the same ring to it. I'm so sorry to lie to you all, but let's just move on from it and look at two little projects I finally got around to completing.

With a little help from this beautiful book that Dad & Judith kindly gave me for Christmas (oh, and by the way, it's styled by the super dooper Jazmine!) I set about making a skirt that I promised one of my best friends about 6 months ago.. woops. 

I made a skirt in the same way a few years ago - you can see the blue floral fabric below, and see it on here - but I had forgotten how I actually did it. After a couple of mistakes I figured it out, and look! A cute little skirt! I got the fabric from ebay

My second project was just a quick one - I made this polka dot cushion cover.. because we clearly don't already have a million cushions on our bed. It was a vest that I picked up from a vintage shop in Paris, but haven't worn much as it's too big for me and has a few stains. I love all the different shades of blue, and I couldn't donate a stained top to a charity shop, so it was destined to become a cushion cover.

I cut the fabric so that I could get rid of most of the stained areas, rummaged in my sewing box for a zip, and voila! Another cute cushion - in yet another pattern - for our bed!

Have you made anything recently?

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  1. What lovely little projects! It is surprising how satisfying it is to just make something from scratch. Love that you used the fabric from an old top- I have been making old blue clothes into a rag rug for the last god knows how long :) Nicer to have little memories in as well as being eco friendly. For another gorgeous book of ideas, take a look at Cloth by Cassandra Ellis. I talked it on my blog the other week, I am so smitten. Happy Sunday Lyzi

    Chambray & Curls

  2. I'm very impressed! I really do need to learn how to see.

  3. I really need to start again! I trained in Mulberry's factory for 6 months stitching handbags, but that was 4 years ago - I'm intrigued to see if I could do it again!

  4. Lyzi, gorgeous stuff!! I have been eyeing up that book for some time now, but after flicking through its tempting pages, I noticed that you have to scale up the small pattern…. How exactly does one do that? What is your trick to this? Or did you just draft the pattern on the correct scale, from scratch? (Which was the only thing I could think of doing). Help a dumbo in need : )

    Faded Windmills

  5. Aw, love them! I wish I could find more time in my life to sew... I've got so many projects in my head but never get the chance to do it :(
    That pincushion your granny made you is so cute, too, by the way!

    x Michelle |

  6. that skirt looks so cute!
    i've been doing alot of knitting recently, unfortunately leaving no opportunities for alliteration!

  7. I picked up a cheap little sewing machine in the sales after Christmas, but really have no idea how to go about making something. Maybe I should pick up this book for inspiration.
    The patchwork pin cushion is amazing :) xxx


  8. This really makes we want to learn how to sew again, maybe I'll make it a summer break resolution or something. Only summer is still pretty far away. Hmph. You don't happen to have any good tips on sewing books for (absolute) beginners? :)

  9. oh my, these are just lovely! I looooove sewing, such a shame I don't do it that often...
    your blog is magical, my love <3

  10. That a really cute skirt. I have been dying to try this out from the different DIYs I have been seeing lately. It's on my resolution list! Just need to buy the fabric!

  11. Awww, what a lovely way to spend a day! I've got an old singer knocking around somewhere, might set myself a project... <3 Claire @ Jazzpad

  12. So satisfying to have little projects like this to work on - and I love your skirt! I got given an old sewing machine recently and I'm dying to get it all fixed up to get all've inspired me!

  13. These look great! I just picked up the same book 60% off at WH Smith and I'm starting dressmaking lessons next month. I don't know how to enlarge patterns so I'll have to wait sadly!

  14. Some great peices you've made :) - this makes me want to sew so much more. I managed to knock up some bunting and little zippy purses last year. Need to get back into it. May check out that book too :)

    Meimei xx

  15. Your blog is very cute and I have enjoyed reading it today! I will definitely be back to read more!! I am too very envious of your sewing!! I have no patients for these things! You should have a look at my latest blog post. My mum has knitted me a lovely tea cosy, I think you will love it!


Thank you for your sweet comments :) if you have any questions please tweet them to me @beinglittle ! x

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