
Wednesday 2 January 2013

live life with eyes open.

So, the fun bit of winter is over, and now the cold and rain is going to drag out until the blossom finally appears on the trees.. people are going back to work/real life, I'm getting on a train and heading back to Bristol tomorrow.

If we all just ignore the fact that I was quite hungover yesterday, I started 2013 the way I mean to go on - smiling and laughing a LOT with some super people. And I suppose napping and eating all afternoon and evening wasn't that bad either. 

I did say the other day that I wasn't going to make any resolutions, but yesterday I just felt so positive and eager for a happy year, that I scribbled down an entire page of dreams and goals for the next year. After having a look at my resolutions from the past two years, I've also realised I've come a long way, but I have broken a lot of promises to myself!

Here are some of the ideas I wrote down. 

This year I hope to: 

• meet new people and take more chances

• don't allow negative people/situations to take over

• absorb as much knowledge as possible

• be creative in everything I do

• work towards work

• have some stupidly fun adventures

• try to buy things I need rather than want

• concentrate on bettering my mental and physical health

• live simply - simply live.



  1. your eyes look amazing in this photo, and your list of new year goals sounds perfect :) ox

  2. Love your list of hopes, and you look stunning in that picture! Especially your eyes, they look incredible! xxx

  3. Your list of goals for this year is almost identical to mine! Good luck and happy new year :)

  4. great goals! and I love your eyes:)

  5. awww! i love that you're so positive! it really makes the difference! they're all very achievable, i hope you keep your positivity throughout the year! happy new years!

  6. Your resolutions are perfect. So many of them I can relate to as well - especially the second. I WON'T TAKE NO SHIT! I let myself just be beaten by the odd bastard last year, let's not let it happen in 2013 Unwin!
    Lots of love <3

  7. Pretty photo! And your resolutions are nice. Not too difficult! Happy new year! :)

  8. Your resolutions are insanely perfect. I think everyone can relate! Have a happy new year:-) x

  9. Aw what great resolutions, actually meaningful! Happy New Year to you Lyzi =) xx

  10. Pretty photo as always, my dear. And I love the goals, all good advice ;) X

  11. great goals - i should add that to my list.
    the photo is beautiful btw.

  12. I really hope you'll do everything you want to. :)x

  13. You're so gorgeous and those are great resolutions
    Nina from little nomad

  14. Beautiful pictures, beautiful post! Good luck!

    I always take the attitude that it's good to just try your what if they don't last a year, atleast you tried something new :) x

  15. These resolutions are probably the best I've seen so far because they're just small alterations in lifestyle. I promised myself I wouldn't make resolutions either, but I might just have to steal some of yours :)

    Happy 2013! Now following :)

  16. love reading your NY resolutions, and you have such beautiful blue eyes <3
    would you like to follow each other?

  17. Pretty pretty you! I love your resolutions, I think I may to add the 'buy things I need rather than want' to mine too! And the 'stupidly fun adventures' sound pretty good too :)

    Happy new year lovely!


  18. Great list of resolutions, some so similar to mine! Happy New Year! xx

  19. So sweet! Stopping by from Sugar and Dots to say hello. Enjoy the first weekend of 2013! XO

  20. Great plans! ;) Good luck with that!

  21. Your blog is adorable, and really inspiring.

    I found it through following your Instagram, think I will be reading back through your archives. Hope you achieve all your goals this year.

    Allie x

  22. Love your blog!!! :)
    So inspirational!

    Follow you from now on! :)

    Caro from Beauty Hunting

  23. Great resolutions, you are an inspiration :) xx

  24. so proud of you! i know you will do so well this did leave off marry ella...but we can make that a 2014 goal thats cool with me lol xxx


Thank you for your sweet comments :) if you have any questions please tweet them to me @beinglittle ! x

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