
Sunday 1 January 2017

hello, 2017.

Happy New Year! 

I spent last night at home, and used the last hour of 2016 to reflect on the past year's resolutions and think about what I would like to happen over the next 365 days.

Last year, I hoped to be more adventurous, and to take more chances. I've certainly given more chances, as well as taken them. I've pushed myself, and I have most definitely adventured. I think I've managed to look after myself pretty well too - I've been much more active, and I've been as kind as I can to my mind.

As far as buying less... I don't think I did. I definitely spent more, what with buying a new MacBook & going on a big trip (as well as a few little ones). Next year I'd like to rein that in and save up again.

I had a goal to be more present during 2016, and in some ways I think I have been. I have noticed how much I try to distract myself sometimes, but now that I'm aware of that I think it's something that I can cut down on. 

One of my more tangible goals was to travel outside of Europe, and I did that! I took a solo trip across the pond, and it was one of the best things I've ever done, and completely for myself. I don't think I ever set the numerical goals for my blog, but I have been pleased with the direction I've been going & the overall quality of my work, so at least there's that! 

2017.... what do I want from you?

I spent a lot of the last couple of years not feeling particularly comfortable in my own place. Over the last few months I've really started to feel at home again, and I want to work on my surroundings to make it feel even better. Chucking things out, making the place more calm and organised. I want to appreciate what I have and where I am, and that also includes the most important thing I have - relationships. I think it's important to put time and effort into the people & things that give you the greatest joy. 

With that said, I also want to work on work that I love. I have dreamed of being a writer ever since I was very young, and now I kind of am. I'd like to work on that more and hopefully make it more of a stand alone career, no back up job. That sounds incredibly terrifying. Maybe I'll break that one down into very tiny steps. 

And finally, continue to improve my mental and physical health - ongoing, forever. Although I do sometimes stop and think, "how am I going to do life for the next X years?!", I actually would like to stick around for as long as possible, so that means looking after myself. 

Phew, that all got a little heavy there for a minute. I'm feeling positive about getting shit done this year though.

Do you have any New Years resolutions or goals?

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  1. "I think it's important to put time and effort into the people & things that give you the greatest joy." Couldn't put it better myself. Everything I want from 2017 essentially comes down to that idea and its a solid one. Hope 2017 brings you all the good things Lyzi

  2. I hope to take better care of myself this year and focus on building my business and blog which gives me great joy! x

  3. So brave and honest! I have a notebook of resolutions I write in every year.. last year I wanted to travel more and I went to America twice which was beyond dreamy. Did you love New York? I'm desperate to go back this year!

    N x

  4. I think there's a lot to be said for "chucking things out" in the quest for calm and organisation. Good luck with your goals for 2017!


Thank you for your sweet comments :) if you have any questions please tweet them to me @beinglittle ! x

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