
Friday 6 September 2019

sustainable swaps.

Like a lot of people currently, I'm painfully aware of the state of the world. The world is on fire and it feels like there's no way to stop it, and yet so many people in positions of power are claiming ignorance.. anyway, this isn't a political rant, this is just about the little changes that I've been making that are better for the environment, and ease my woes slightly. 

I've been thinking a lot about the things I use frequently which are actually incredibly wasteful. I've started gradually making a few changes in my life, and I thought they might be of use to you lovely humans.


Use them until they're falling apart, reuse them, repurpose them, do whatever you can to stop them heading to landfill/into the sea. It's hard with some items, but a quick internet search will come up with loads of innovative ideas! 

One brand I am particularly loving at the moment are Organic Basics, and some of these items were gifted, but some I have bought purely because I love them - for example I bought an underwear set in another colour after being gifted one set, because they're so damn comfy, as well as being better for the environment and the people making them. 

My favourite items are the organic cotton tees (honestly, the softest t-shirt I have EVER worn!), organic cotton underwear (so comfy and natural fibres are better for your bits) and now the bamboo toothbrushes too. 

I have a code for you to get 10% off which is LITTLEOB2 - annoyingly I've been really disorganised and this expires on 11th Sept, so use it quick

FYI old toothbrushes are great for cleaning things, especially around taps and hard-to-get-at, little spaces! 

Something in my mind switched a couple of months ago, and I suddenly realised how much waste I was producing with period related products. I've thought about what chemicals I could be putting inside myself before, but didn't really care too much because it felt easier than anything else. But once I had enough money to invest in some reusable products, I did, and I've been SO pleasantly surprised by them. 

The Modibodi pants were honestly so easy and great - for me they were perfect for the first and last day of my period, as well as wearing at night when I was getting used to the cup. They come in various shapes & absorbencies, so hopefully there's one that would suit you. 

I'm not going to lie, I was pretty daunted by the OrganiCup at first - putting a new foreign object into your body, not knowing if it was in right, not knowing how long I personally could leave it before it had to be emptied, whether it would end up like that scene from The Shining etc. But I got used to it pretty quickly and learned to feel whether it was in correctly and how long I could leave it. 

My top tip is to be in the shower the first time you remove it. I won't go into too much detail here, but if you have any questions I am very open to talking about it. Like, yeah it's kinda gory but also really fascinating at the same time, and I think this is connecting me more to my own body in a way. I've never really been that squeamish about blood anyway so.. 

I did a little bit of research as there are quite a few brands doing these pants and cups now, but they are all kind of similar, so just have a look and see what could work for you! 

I completely understand that this is not an option for everyone, and it is your choice as to how you deal with your periods, so no shame heading your way if using any of these products makes you feel uncomfortable! 

I already have a reusable cup which I keep at work for when I need a mid-afternoon takeaway coffee to wake me up, and have been slightly put off Keep Cups as I thought I'd just smash it instantly. However, since I got this one in a goodie bag, I've been taking it out in my tote bag and so far, so good! 

It feels really nice, looks super cute, and is a good size for an americano, though they do come in other sizes too! With the amount of reusable cups on the market now, there really are very few excuses to not have one of your own if you're a frequent hot drink buyer! 

I was sent these Teal Trunk scrubbers a while back and have been putting them to the test. They feel really nice to use, and other than washing up, they're great for cleaning make up brushes and loads of other stuff - there are tips on their website and Instagram. They come in lots of colours too! 

Also, they are...
• made of FDA approved sillicone
• free from BPA, allergens and toxins
• bacteria and mildew resistant
• dishwasher and microwave safe

I would love to hear about any changes you've been making, as I'm keen to continue on this journey of thinking about these things and being more conscious about the things I use! For example I still need to swap to sustainable cotton pads for removing make up, and more natural toiletries like deodorant and make up, so any tips would be welcome! 

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  1. Great ideas! I really want to invest in a keepcup - they look so cute as well as being better for the environment

  2. I totally agree about not going out and buying loads of replacements, but using things until they disintegrate and replacing with sustainable swaps! It's easy to feel like to be more sustainable you need to purchase all of the swaps immediately. I really want to try those Modibodi pants! I think they'd be a great fit for me :-) Fab post, Lyzi xxx

  3. This blog was so useful and full of ideas. Have more interesting blogs Girl! Lets go Organic Life.


Thank you for your sweet comments :) if you have any questions please tweet them to me @beinglittle ! x

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